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Excel Sorting by Text Value, Text Length, Cell Color, Font Style

Sort by Text Value

  1. Click a single cell in the column that you are going to sort by. Invoke 'DigDB->Sort->Text Value->Ascending'. The table area will be automatically selected.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style
    Practice file - sorting-special-demo.xls (16k)

  2. Sorting options are already set. The sort-by column is 'Col1', 'Ascending', and the special sorting option is 'by Text Value'. You can simply click OK to sort.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

  3. Result of sorting by text values - '9' is sorted to after '234'

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

Sort by Text Length

  1. Click a single cell in the column that you are going to sort by. Invoke 'DigDB->Sort->Text Length->Ascending'. The table area will be automatically selected.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style
    Practice file - sorting-special-demo.xls (16k)

  2. Sorting options are already set. The sort-by column is 'Col2', 'Ascending', and the special sorting option is 'by Character Count'. You can simply click OK to sort.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

  3. Result of sorting by text length - the cell values are the same, but text length differ

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

Sort by Cell Color

Excel's Conditional Formatting allows to format cells based on conditions. After the formatting, you can use this special sorting to group together rows that meet the same condition.
  1. Click a single cell in the column that you are going to sort by. Invoke 'DigDB->Sort->Cell Color->Ascending'. The table area will be automatically selected.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style
    Practice file - sorting-special-demo.xls (16k)

  2. Sorting options are already set. The sort-by column is 'Col3', 'Ascending', and the special sorting option is 'by Cell Color'. You can simply click OK to sort.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

  3. Result of sorting by cell color

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

Sort by font style

Font style refers to bold, italic, or regular. Sometimes user mark up cells with different font styles. Now you can sort them up.
  1. Click a single cell in the column that you are going to sort by. Invoke 'DigDB->Sort->Font Style->Ascending'. The table area will be automatically selected.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style
    Practice file - sorting-special-demo.xls (16k)

  2. Sorting options are already set. The sort-by column is 'Col4', 'Ascending', and the special sorting option is 'by Font Style'. You can simply click OK to sort.

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

  3. Result of sorting by font style

    Custom Sort by Text, Length, Color, Font Style

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
Who else wants to do a 10-hour Excel analysis in 15 minutes?

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