Large reporting packages often have many broken links. Because large packages take many people and long time to develop. File links exists not only in cells, but also in charts, names, hidden sheets. As people delete, rename, and move files around, broken links become inevitable. And each missing file can affect thousands of cells. It's very tedious to find and break each broken link manually. DigDB is the tool to de-link bad files and clean up.
Now suppose 'B.xls' and 'C.xls' are missing, this will cause broken links. When you open file-with-links.xls, you will see an error prompt. You will need to click 'No' to continue.
Find cells with (broken) file links in a sheet, de-link
Find Next Link:
Search For Broken Link Only:
Replace Link by Face Value:
Replace Broken Link by #REF:
Replace All:
Broken Links:
Break Current Broken Link:
Break All:
Replace affected values by their current face values:
Replace affected values by #REF:
Delete affected values:
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